English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tabbatar" shine ba da tabbaci, bada garanti, ko sa wani ya sami kwanciyar hankali. Hakanan yana iya nufin gamsarwa ko shawo kan wani cewa wani abu gaskiya ne ko kuma yana iya faruwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Elton quitted them, and she could not but do him the justice of feeling that there was a great deal of sentiment in his manner of naming Harriet at parting in the tone of his voice while assuring her that he should call at Mrs.
  2. Kallan flexed her fingers around the hilt, assuring herself that her sword was ready.
  3. The TechnoServe programs in Kenya were mostly doing the right things and helping people the way they were supposed to but without a consistent approach for assuring they were under control.
  4. In the end, though they sought to dissuade him from involving himself in such a challenge, assuring him they admitted his gratitude as fully established, and needed no fresh proofs to be convinced of his valiant spirit, as those related in the history of his exploits were sufficient, still Don Quixote persisted in his resolve and mounted on Rocinante, bracing his buckler on his arm and grasping his lance, he posted himself in the middle of a high road that was not far from the green meadow.
  5. Olivia finally rose and peeked through that hole, assuring herself that the window looked out over the empty fields before yanking on the pull string.
  6. After assuring Mary I liked children, she pointed to the second floor of a large apartment house ahead.
  7. After we closed up, I sent Mart, Stephen, and Walter home after assuring them that Daniel would be there in a few minutes to walk me home.
  8. Assuring himself that there were no lurking hoodlums, he hastened to the church at Thornton-le-Dale.
  9. As soon as the exhibition was over he brought forward the accomplishments of his ape, assuring the public that he divined all the past and the present, but as to the future he had no skill.
  10. He agreed and I went on by assuring him that the ship was made by creatures like myself, who, in all the countries I had traveled, as well as in my own, were the only governing, rational animals and that upon my arrival hither I was as much astonished to see the Houyhnhnms act like rational beings, as he or his friends could be in finding some marks of reason in a creature he was pleased to call a yahoo, to which I owned my resemblance in every part, but could not account for their degenerate and brutal nature.