English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "taimakawa" shine taimakawa ko tallafawa wani ko wani abu don cimma wata manufa ko kammala wani aiki. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga bayar da taimako ko kayan aiki ga wani ko wani abu da ke cikin bukata ko wahala. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya nufin yin aiki a matsayin mataimaki ko mataimaki ga wani mai sana'a ko na sirri.

Sentence Examples

  1. When the calèche stopped, the driver jumped down and held out his hand to assist me to alight.
  2. I would urge this second man, or indeed any person who may be related to him, to come forward and assist the police in finding the person responsible for the shooting.
  3. Make sure to assist her whenever she needs something.
  4. Your police officers did not arrive to assist those lost ones, but rather to punish them.
  5. Perhaps in return for your safekeeping of him, I could assist you with your crisis.
  6. The crew of the helicopter watched on, helpless to assist.
  7. Dean spent months trying to convince him to assist his enquiries, once onboard Jamie soon began assisting with many problems Dean presented to him.
  8. He dismounts and indicates that we should assist the little boy and our stricken companion down from their mounts.
  9. When the semester started, I asked each professor how they wanted me to assist with day-to-day operations while Siobhan was on leave.
  10. Should it become necessary to break into the Council Hall, I will assist you.

TV Series Examples



Samwell, you will assist me