English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "assigned" ita ce ware ko sanya wani abu don wata manufa ko ga wani mutum. Hakanan yana iya nufin a ba wa wani aiki ko aikin da zai yi, ko kuma a nada wani a wani matsayi ko matsayi na musamman.

Sentence Examples

  1. I was none too pleased when they assigned the other girl to me last semester.
  2. That could easily have been me, if Nell and I had been assigned to Valeria, not Earth.
  3. In the recovery room is the highly skilled unit of female bodyguards that I have assigned to be her shadow.
  4. Upon informing Derek that I needed to return home for a family obligation, he generously suggested adding extra days to relax before everything exploded at the network, then assigned me to interview his latest source.
  5. I plopped down in my assigned seat and waited for Sierra.
  6. He had been assigned my reading partner, and we quickly became friends.
  7. Each team member would have his or her specific responsibility when the operation commenced, and at least one must be assigned the task of filming the druggists and their drugs as evidence to give the authorities.
  8. Upon receiving the go-ahead from Arthur, and with dusk casting the ugly pink house into a half-light, half-shadow realm, everyone had slunk to his or her assigned location.
  9. Six hundred knights had trooped into and out of the dry riverbed, gathering up their equipment and joining their assigned teammates.
  10. When knights began trickling in throughout the early afternoon, teams were assigned and supplies apportioned.

TV Series Examples



You've all been assigned an order,