English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "a gefe" ita ce: Lalaci: gefe ɗaya; daga hanyaLalaci: a ajiye; don amfani nan gabaLalaci: ban da babban batu ko tsakiya; daban

Sentence Examples

  1. Markos stepped back and part of the wall slid aside, revealing a wide metal door-like shape.
  2. The murders aside, we have good reason to suspect there might be an underworld of illicit magical activity here in London itself.
  3. Early Wednesday morning, I pushed aside those gnawing fears, skipped my normal run, and showed up in time for classes.
  4. Cursing, I pushed away from the wall and ran through the fighting, knocking aside dreyverns and humans alike.
  5. A stream of purple-red energy hit the floor, and I shifted aside to avoid the rebound striking me.
  6. Barely marked, aside from a handful of crescent-shaped scars, fading already.
  7. Aside from his size, the clip-clopping sound of hooves was difficult to mute.
  8. Alber and I pulled Nell aside, and the chalder vox came down like a ton of concrete.
  9. Vanderain cast the now useless weapon aside as Kurrlan struggled to his feet, summoning demon magic.
  10. She tried a back-handed swipe, but he leapt aside just in time.

TV Series Examples



and, aside from Yoren here,



But it is time to put aside



Don't ask me to stand aside