English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ashen" ita ce:Na launin toka mai launin toka. Ya ƙunshi ko kama da toka. li>Nuna alamun bakin ciki, firgita, ko rashin lafiya ta hanyar samun kodadde ko launin toka.

Sentence Examples

  1. He raised his hand and pointed to the bed, and his iron face was drawn and ashen white.
  2. A thinner line joined from the fireplace where ashen clumps of sorcery smoldered, though regular smoke escaped through the chimney.
  3. His tormentor only snatched him again by his hair, yanking his ashen face towards him to meet his stare.
  4. Richard knelt, swaying a little, in front of him, his skin ashen.
  5. Stormaway looked around at Waterstone, Thunder Storm, Autumn Leaves and the newly arrived Summer Rain who were gathered ashen faced around the prince who was slowly but surely losing his battle to live.
  6. Struggling to roll over, he crawled to where Cat lay unconscious, her eyes rolled back and face ashen.
  7. Reggie Riaz lay beside the bed exactly as I had envisioned him, dead, his ashen face held up inches off the floor by a rope tightened about his throat and tied to the headboard post.
  8. Her face was ashen and beads of sweat broke out on her brow.
  9. Passing barns and houses leached to ashen monoliths, his windshield covered with a thin grey film.
  10. Uriel pushed himself to a sitting position, his face ashen, the creases in his face like knife cuts in the light of the remaining lamp.