English to hausa meaning of

"ash" na iya samun ma'anoni da dama dangane da mahallin: Daskararrun gawar mamaci bayan an kona shi: “Tokarsa ta warwatse a cikin teku.” A Itace mai haushi mai launin toka da tsaba masu fuka-fuki, wanda kuma aka sani da bishiyar ash: “Ganyen da ke kan bishiyar ash suna yin rawaya mai kyau a cikin fall.” yana shafar tsire-tsire, wanda naman gwari ke haifar da shi: "An lalata amfanin gonakin noman saboda cutar toka."

Sentence Examples

  1. Within moments, the monster was nothing more than ash.
  2. The cobalt demon blazed into a fierce inferno, and in seconds turned to ash, only the stench of burned flesh giving sign it had ever existed.
  3. Ally took a couple minutes and explained to Ash and Kai about the flower phenomenon involving new checkers.
  4. Stepping back from Ash, I found myself unable to look away from his strange eyes.
  5. After plucking one out for herself, she motioned for Ash to sit down and join her.
  6. I see in an instant that the ash has fallen into several heaps in the foreground.
  7. Evan threw himself to the floor as the Spellzooka fired off a huge bomb of electricity that exploded amidst the new demon group with a terrifying blast, frying them to ash.
  8. Picón, the locals call it, a form of volcanic ash.
  9. Evan used this distraction to summon fire and burn the minion to ash.
  10. I peeked over at Ash only to find his eyes glued on the card.