English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ascetic" ita ce:Nau'i:Mutumin da yake tsananin tarbiyyar kansa da kaurace wa sha'awa, yawanci saboda dalilai na addini. ; mutumin da ke rayuwa cikin kunci da tarbiyyar kansa, musamman ma wanda ya kaurace wa jin dadin rayuwa na yau da kullun ko kuma ya hana kansa gamsuwar abin duniya. Siffa: An siffanta da ko bayar da shawarar aiwatar da tsananin horo da kauracewa duk wani nau'i na sha'awa, yawanci saboda dalilai na addini. , ko bayyanar.


  1. abstainer

Sentence Examples

  1. Paddling over it, you may see, many feet beneath the surface the schools of perch and shiners, perhaps only an inch long, yet the former easily distinguished by their transverse bars, and you think that they must be ascetic fish that find a subsistence there.
  2. No Brahman, who would not be regarded as Brahmans and lived with them, no ascetic who would not find his refuge in the caste of the Samanas, and even the most forlorn hermit in the forest was not just one and alone, he was also surrounded by a place he belonged to, he also belonged to a caste, in which he was at home.
  3. He was one of the few, very few, translators that have shown any apprehension of the unsmiling gravity which is the essence of Quixotic humour it seemed to him a crime to bring Cervantes forward smirking and grinning at his own good things, and to this may be attributed in a great measure the ascetic abstinence from everything savouring of liveliness which is the characteristic of his translation.
  4. When he had left in this very morning from the grove Jetavana, the grove of that exalted one, already awakening, already on the path towards himself, he he had every intention, regarded as natural and took for granted, that he, after years as an ascetic, would return to his home and his father.
  5. I am still a Samana, he thought, I am still an ascetic and beggar.
  6. He was said to wander through the land, teaching, surrounded by disciples, without possession, without home, without a wife, in the yellow cloak of an ascetic, but with a cheerful brow, a man of bliss, and Brahmans and princes would bow down before him and would become his students.
  7. He had heard that this alleged Buddha used to be an ascetic before and had lived in the forest, but had then turned back to luxury and worldly pleasures, and he had no high opinion of this Gotama.