English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tabbatar" ita ce gano ko tantance wani abu da tabbaci ko tabbatar da gaskiya ko bayani. Yawanci ya ƙunshi tattara shaida, gudanar da bincike, ko yin bincike don tabbatar da gaskiya, daidaito, ko wanzuwar wani abu. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da "Ascertain" don bayyana aikin ganowa ko gano wani abu wanda a baya ba a sani ba ko ba a sani ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. The shepherds came up, and felt sure they had killed him so in all haste they collected their flock together, took up the dead beasts, of which there were more than seven, and made off without waiting to ascertain anything further.
  2. But chance, directing things in a different manner, so ordered it that Anselmo, having left Lothario and Camilla alone as on other occasions, shut himself into a chamber and posted himself to watch and listen through the keyhole to what passed between them, and perceived that for more than half an hour Lothario did not utter a word to Camilla, nor would utter a word though he were to be there for an age and he came to the conclusion that what his friend had told him about the replies of Camilla was all invention and falsehood, and to ascertain if it were so, he came out, and calling Lothario aside asked him what news he had and in what humour Camilla was.
  3. While you ascertain the validity of the affidavits, I will examine the newspapers more generally than you have as yet done.
  4. Hawke glanced back at me as if to ascertain my safety, before whirling back on his foe.
  5. It remained to ascertain whether the priests were watching by the side of their victim as assiduously as were the soldiers at the door.
  6. They might then find him at Yokohama for, if the Carnatic was carrying him thither, it would be easy to ascertain if he had been on board.
  7. We will ascertain beyond a doubt the validity of the affidavits in regard to his whereabouts on the Sunday.
  8. Clothed in the righteous indignation of the wronged, Harry rode with a not inconsiderable escort to the inn to ascertain what had occurred, eager still to make of Richard a prize he could present to Robert.
  9. But, there being no division, my first step was to ascertain the predominant letters, as well as the least frequent.
  10. The child practically lives at the grandparents from what he can ascertain, and the house is filthy.