English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hawa" shine motsawa ko hawa sama, hawa ko hawa, ko ƙaura daga ƙasan matsayi zuwa babba. Hakanan yana iya nufin mutum ko abu ya zama mafi mahimmanci ko iko.

Sentence Examples

  1. As I ascend the grand steps to the house an unfamiliar servant in gold-frogged livery is in the hallway making space on the portrait wall.
  2. Before I knew it, I found myself about to ascend the front entrance of Diamond Hall.
  3. This ballast being discarded, and a clear sunshine evaporating the dew, and at the same time expanding the gas in the silk, the whole will again rapidly ascend.
  4. Lady Jane must ascend to the throne of England and Catholic Mary, the chief rival to his scheme, must be secured, when the time came, in the Tower.
  5. I did not wish, however, to lose gas at so early a period of the adventure, and so concluded to ascend for the present.
  6. Thus, the balloon can neither ascend or descend, except within very narrow limits, and its resources, either in gas or ballast, remain comparatively unimpaired.
  7. Let us ascend this battlement, and throw our eyes upon the town and neighboring country.
  8. A spiral staircase is on the other side, and I ascend to another part of Whitehall.
  9. It is therefore evident that, ascend as high as we may, we cannot, literally speaking, arrive at a limit beyond which no atmosphere is to be found.
  10. The Great Rift Valley was one of only four major entrances in which dragon and Winged Beasties could ascend the heights.