English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "articulated" ita ce:adjective: (na magana) an furta shi a sarari kuma a fili. haɗin gwiwa ko sassan da ke ba da izinin motsi.bayyana ko gabatar da tsabta da tasiri. ji) a hankali da kuma daidaitawa. za su iya tafiya dangi da juna.


  1. articulate

Sentence Examples

  1. Her feet slapped the stone, adding an articulated footfall to the silence.
  2. They were all humanoid, all in beautifully articulated Victorian clothing, and all looking at Adal and Arija as though aliens had landed in their midst.
  3. When he spoke he articulated his words in such a way that one could tell that he was well educated and probably came from a well-refined upperclass society.
  4. The Castle of Dracula now stood out against the red sky, and every stone of its broken battlements was articulated against the light of the setting sun.
  5. Ann was holding the carrot with hands so thickly bandaged that they were no more articulated than wool mittens.
  6. Her fiery blush and body language were liable to reveal more than she articulated.