English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "jini" shine jigon jini na tsoka wanda ke ɗaukar jinin oxygen daga zuciya zuwa sauran jiki. Arteries yawanci suna da kauri, bangon roba wanda zai iya faɗaɗa da kwangila don ɗaukar canje-canje a cikin jini. Su ne wani muhimmin sashi na tsarin jini kuma suna da alhakin isar da iskar oxygen da sinadarai zuwa kyallen jikin jiki da gabobin jiki.

Sentence Examples

  1. It bit into his neck as it had the first man, gnawing at and drinking from his carotid artery.
  2. Then, most significantly, the victim was bitten in the neck, his carotid artery was severed, and he was allowed to bleed to death, the blood flowing into a drain well under the lift.
  3. Yuri suspected the femoral artery had been severed.
  4. He pounced on the teen, savaging his neck, ripping into flesh, cartilage and artery.
  5. At nine the train stopped at the important town of North Platte, built between the two arms of the river, which rejoin each other around it and form a single artery, a large tributary, whose waters empty into the Missouri a little above Omaha.
  6. He did receive several lacerations to his legs and a severed femoral artery, which we have repaired.
  7. I put my finger on the gushing artery and I made him beg for mercy.
  8. The carotid artery had been nicked, and the jugular vein was severed.
  9. Knowing he would recover quickly, I slashed at his neck, severing his artery to effectively take him out of the fight.
  10. Mark rolled his eyes if Sergei had been serious, he would have placed it against his carotid artery.