English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bashi" kalma ce da ake amfani da ita don kwatanta kuɗin da ake bi bashi kuma ya kamata a biya a baya, amma ya kasance ba a biya ba. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayin da wani abu ya ƙare ko bayan lokaci, kamar aiki, ayyuka, ko nauyi. Gabaɗaya, ana amfani da kalmar bashi don nuna wani bashi ko wajibcin da bai cika kan lokaci ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Once they were there, they would no doubt have to pay rent, and not a little of it, for the ventilation of their caverns and if they refused, they would starve or be suffocated for arrears.
  2. If I were you I would go to bed, for you must have considerable arrears of sleep to overtake.
  3. My own work, with its manifold arrears, took me all day to clear off it was dark when I was able to inquire about my zoöphagous patient.