English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "arranged" ita ce tsara ko saita abubuwa a cikin wani tsari ko jeri bisa tsari ko tsari. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin sanya abubuwa a wuraren da suka dace ko matsayinsu, ko shirya wani abu don wata manufa ko wani lamari. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da kalmar don bayyana aikin yarjejeniya ko daidaita wasu sharuɗɗa ko sharuɗɗa tsakanin ɓangarori, kamar a cikin yarjejeniya ko kwangila.

Sentence Examples

  1. Celestino went on to describe how some government officials had their family and friends purchase land from farmers, then arranged for the land to be re-zoned so they could sell it on to property developers, this time for a huge profit.
  2. Instead, arranged in a logical sequence of rising wealth, are the various locations on the island, everywhere from budget holiday complexes to the luxury locales of Costa Teguise, Playa Blanca and Puerto Calero.
  3. I go in to find the room as I left it uncommonly clean and tidy, with the dishes washed and left to drain, the pans put away, the bench tops clear of condiments and the shelves above, cluttered with jars of this and that, arranged in some sort of order.
  4. Down at the other end, tables, arranged four-deep outside the two cafes, are mostly empty.
  5. TB had accompanied me once on a trip I arranged on my own, and I hated every minute.
  6. Like an obedient puppy, I follow, heading to the entrance where a couple of chairs are arranged for those waiting for a table.
  7. Coursing up an incline to a low cliff, the village comprises about fifty small houses and huts arranged higgledy-piggledy around an arterial T intersection, one almost atop another.
  8. Cleaned up the Passages, arranged for other teams to come and check out the hidden entrance.
  9. She helped me get the pillows right behind my back and arranged the tray just so before pulling up a chair nearby.
  10. Lorraine agreed to meet at noon, so I arranged my morning such that I could get in a workout at the fitness center before heading to Diamond Hall.

TV Series Examples



Jaime had arranged the whole thing -