English to hausa meaning of

Akwai wasu nau'ikan ma'anar kalmar "Argo," ya danganta da mahallin: Jason da Argonut da suka yi amfani da shi P> Argo sunan fim ne daga shekarar 2012, wanda ya dogara da gaskiyar jami'an CIA na Amurka don tserar jami'an kungiyar CIA don ya ceci rikicin jami'an kasar Sin don tserar da rikicin na Amurka shida na Iran a 1979 . <p

Sentence Examples

  1. Thanks To Barbara Peters and Robert Rosenwald, to my writing pals Alan Russell, Gene Riehl, Ron Argo, Lynne Kennedy, Mark Clifton, Dave Knop, Maynard Kartvedt, Barbara Hopfinger, Barbara Gardner, and especially to Gary Phillips for help finding my way around old Los Angeles to all the novelists who made me want to be one to Jackie Miller of the Foursquare Heritage Center and to the writers of history, including Kevin Starr, J.