English to hausa meaning of

Sentence Examples

  1. My spine arched, and every hair on my body stood on end as the shock rippled through me.
  2. She arched up against him and her hands moved up his back, kneading him, urging him on.
  3. Tapestries lush with vibrant colors covered the other walls, interspersed between the graceful arched windows.
  4. The bridge itself was arched gracefully over the stream, painted bright red.
  5. I raised my hooded head and arched an eyebrow at my dragon lord.
  6. Corridors with arched entries lined both sides of the hall, branching off to God only knew where.
  7. Jack was retelling for the fourth time how he had made the shot, how the arrow had arched, missing a branch, and made it true to the target.
  8. The bunker has a low rounded arched ceiling and there are stairs heading to chambers above and below.
  9. I arched an eyebrow and glanced past her at the pair of dragon-men.
  10. I lock my legs around his waist for support, my back arched to meet the strokes of his cock inside me.