English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na magudanar ruwa babban tasha ne ko bututu da ake amfani da shi don jigilar ruwa daga wani wuri zuwa wani, yawanci a nesa mai nisa. Ana iya gina magudanan ruwa a sama ko ƙasa, kuma an yi amfani da su a tsawon tarihi don jigilar ruwa don abubuwa daban-daban, kamar ban ruwa, samar da ruwan sha na jama'a, da hanyoyin masana'antu. Kalmar "magudanar ruwa" ta fito ne daga kalmomin Latin "aqua" (ruwa) da "ductus" (gudu ko gudanarwa), wanda a zahiri yana nufin "mai kula da ruwa."

Sentence Examples

  1. When the fence was done, Alan and I built a metal aqueduct over the driveway to carry water to the urinal through a valve on a fencepost next to the driveway.
  2. Markis could see the enormous tubes of the termination of the Los Angeles Aqueduct.
  3. More of an aqueduct, the river seldom had much water coursing through it.
  4. Beneath the earth, it would join and run alongside the enormous pipes of the Los Angeles Aqueduct, providing a secure fiber-optic link all the way up the pipeline.
  5. A small mill-lade ran in a wooden aqueduct at the other side of the yard, and into this I fell.