English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "firgita" shine jin damuwa ko tsoro game da wani abu da zai iya faruwa. Hakanan yana iya nufin fahimta ko kama wani abu a hankali, ko kuma dangane da kama wanda ake tuhuma. Ga wasu misalai na jimlolin da ke amfani da kalmar "firgita" a cikin mahallin daban-daban: Ina jin tsoro game da ganawar aiki gobe. game da rikice-rikicen yanayi Ta ji tsoron yin kwas mai wahala, amma ta yanke shawarar kalubalantar kanta. ana tuhumar su da laifin fashi. Malamar ta lura da cewa daliban suna cikin fargaba game da jarabawar da za a yi, don haka ta tabbatar musu da cewa sun shirya sosai.

Sentence Examples

  1. I felt strangely apprehensive, standing there all alone in the middle of sickbay.
  2. Is nervous, and was apprehensive of the consequences of agitation.
  3. Suddenly the poor duenna felt two hands seize her by the throat, so tightly that she could not croak, while someone else, without uttering a word, very briskly hoisted up her petticoats, and with what seemed to be a slipper began to lay on so heartily that anyone would have felt pity for her but although Don Quixote felt it he never stirred from his bed, but lay quiet and silent, nay apprehensive that his turn for a drubbing might be coming.
  4. The drums beat, the sound of the trumpets filled the air, the earth trembled under foot, the hearts of the gazing crowd were full of anxiety, some hoping for a happy issue, some apprehensive of an untoward ending to the affair, and lastly, Don Quixote, commending himself with all his heart to God our Lord and to the lady Dulcinea del Toboso, stood waiting for them to give the necessary signal for the onset.
  5. They stood very still and both looked at her, somehow apprehensive.
  6. She was soon convinced that it was not for herself she was feeling at all apprehensive or embarrassed it was for him.
  7. She knew he was apprehensive about making Leo angry.
  8. Weston, of a more apprehensive disposition, foresaw nothing but a repetition of excuses and delays and after all her concern for what her husband was to suffer, suffered a great deal more herself.
  9. For the most part, the pack was excited, but there were a few who were apprehensive, probably because I had yet to lose a fight.
  10. The remaining few looked apprehensive about the entire discussion but not willing to take a side yet.