English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar da kalmar "sanya" shine a sanya aiki ko matsayi ga wani, ko kuma tsara taro ko wurin da aka tsara ko kuma taron don takamaiman lokaci da wurin. Hakanan yana iya nufin tsara ko zaɓi wani don wani aiki ko alhakin.

Sentence Examples

  1. The curate and the bachelor Samson Carrasco, now present, I appoint my executors.
  2. With Boman missing, Geoffrey would appoint an interim prime minister.
  3. He read legalese from a set of papers in front of him, announcing his intent to appoint Fenway Stevenson in the position of county coroner until the next election.
  4. With the Pleiades dead, Zeus could appoint whomever he wished to oversee Atlantis.
  5. The king was much delighted with my company, and ordered his bliffmarklub, or high-chamberlain, to appoint a lodging in the court for me and my interpreter, with a daily allowance for my table, and a large purse of gold for my common expenses.
  6. Then, I think, the President of the University can decide whether he agrees with their choice, or if not he can appoint someone from outside the school.
  7. No one was really in charge, nor had Parker tried to appoint himself boss, but he wanted to make damn certain everyone took his feelings into account.