English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "anomaly" wani abu ne wanda ya bambanta daga abin da ake kira al'ada, daidaitattun, ko tsammanin. Yana iya nufin karkacewa daga ƙaƙƙarfan ƙa'ida, tsari, ko ƙa'ida, ko zuwa ga rashin bin ka'ida ko rashin daidaituwa a cikin wani abu na zahiri ko na halitta. Gabaɗaya, anomaly wani abu ne da ya fito fili ya bambanta ko kuma ba a saba da shi ba daga abin da aka saba ko kuma na al'ada.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Golden Nightmare, already far into his fifties in rulku years, was something of an anomaly.
  2. His research took him back to the church, and in turn, this visit set him on the track of what he discovered to be a strange anomaly.
  3. Now this Calculus is, in its essence, purely mathematical and thus we have the anomaly of the most rigidly exact in science applied to the shadow and spirituality of the most intangible in speculation.
  4. He supposed Verchiel might be an anomaly, but with nearly three hundred thousand angels in Heaven, it was unlikely she was the only one who struggled with this.