English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bacin rai" ciwo ne na hankali ko na jiki, matsananciyar wahala, ko damuwa. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa jin babban damuwa ko azabar tunani. Ana danganta kalmar sau da yawa tare da tsananin zafin rai, kamar wanda aka samu cikin baƙin ciki, ɓacin rai, ko tsananin tsoro.

Sentence Examples

  1. As I held his gaze, I read only anguish and hopelessness in his expression.
  2. I head through to the kitchen, recalling with anguish and a measure of embarrassment the desperate solitude I endured in the aftermath of the birth, absolute whenever Celestino was at work in his studio, which was more often than not.
  3. Then I lie still, unable to shake myself free of the anguish, as though through all those years of feeling neglected, I rejected him in retaliation to protect my heart, and now that he is gone I crave a chance to make amends.
  4. Richard dropped his head into his hands, his hair fell to obscure his eyes and his voice held an edge of anguish.
  5. He lifted his head to look at her, his face devastated by anguish, his eyes red and raw, his nose running, his cheeks scratchy with stubble.
  6. Throughout the night Aouda, full of sad forebodings, her heart stifled with anguish, wandered about on the verge of the plains.
  7. I read the article, disbelief giving way to anguish.
  8. The anguish and sorrow that consumed him was devoured by hatred as he saw the lone figure in the trees, watching the demons slaughter his own parents.
  9. My eyes feel puffy and I remember crying as I lay beside Gloria, small tears of frustration over her disappointing birthday party, which transmuted into a gush of anguish over the vicissitudes of my married life.
  10. His eyes glinted with a liveliness I had never seen in him before, curiosity mingling with the anguish he bore.