English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "angst" tana nufin jin tsoro mai zurfi, tsoro, ko fargabar wanzuwa. Yawancin lokaci ana danganta shi da rashin jin daɗi, yanke ƙauna, ko rashin gamsuwa da duniya ko matsayin mutum a cikinta. Kalmar "angst" ta samo asali ne daga harshen Jamusanci kuma ana amfani da ita a cikin Ingilishi don kwatanta yawan jin damuwa ko tashin hankali na ciki.

Sentence Examples

  1. Even though dealing with death had been a daily part of her job it had never caused her the angst that had crippled her work.
  2. He found himself fighting it to preserve his angst.
  3. On the other hand, I expected your contempt and considered it part of my artistic angst.
  4. Gansu Junjie could feel his angst.
  5. If you had, we would have told you about the woodfolk oath and you might have saved yourself all that angst.
  6. Yet, as she sat on the deck of the Boathouse café and looked over the sparkling water, she almost ached with frustration and angst.
  7. Somehow she found it comforting to know he suffered as much angst about this as she did.
  8. She was no longer able to withhold the angst that was dangerously close to tearing down the walls she had built.
  9. Nothing looked all that exciting, but I decided on a British baking show just because I knew I could depend on it to be relatively free of angst.
  10. The night had a chill, but the tension was thick, filling each Dokkalfr with raw angst that bound the nerves.