English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "cikin fushi" lafazin magana ne da ke bayyana wani aiki ko hali da aka yi cikin fushi ko bacin rai. Yana nufin yanayi ko ingancin cikawa da fushi ko bayyana fushi, sau da yawa ana nuna maƙiya ko tashin hankali.

Sentence Examples

  1. Hawke whirled on Luke angrily, but our host only gave him a cool glare and chomped on his cigarette.
  2. Then a dark-colored BMW angrily tore away from the funeral home.
  3. Someone coughed behind me, and I turned to see Mirth looking angrily at the two of them.
  4. I angrily throw my pile on to the mussed bed and those three faces I spotted at the lake stare back at me, as if to confirm that yes, Viola Valentine, you are the biggest bitch on the planet right now.
  5. My bloated stomach growled angrily at me, though, and I decided that those questions could wait.
  6. Grumbling angrily, I storm back to my bedroom and slip into a knee-length, fitted beige dress and a pair of high-heeled strappy sandals.
  7. Jack angrily brushed the hay from his hair and glowered at Richard.
  8. As they passed within feet of the wizard, he could hear them still muttering angrily.
  9. Angrily dragging my feet to the employee kitchen, I pour the remaining tea from my cup into the sink and leave.
  10. Angrily, Dwayne reached for his fallen gun, but Buff Guy kicked it aside.