English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "aminci" ita ce: siffa ta alheri da jin daɗin abokantaka; nuna ruhin abokantaka; ba rigima ko gaba ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Notwithstanding the increasing warmth of the amicable contest, the most decorous Christian assembly, not even excepting those in which its reverend ministers are collected, might have learned a wholesome lesson of moderation from the forbearance and courtesy of the disputants.
  2. In the course of these civilities, a few sentences were exchanged, that served to establish the appearance of an amicable intercourse between the parties.
  3. He had little interest in meddling with it, provided it was more or less amicable.
  4. He only knew that they had not engaged in the late expedition against William Henry that, like the Hurons themselves they were allies of Montcalm and that they maintained an amicable, though a watchful intercourse with the warlike and savage people whom chance had, for a time, brought in such close and disagreeable contact with themselves.
  5. But Olivia took a deep breath and calmed herself, hoping to maintain an amicable relationship with this annoying neighbor.