English to hausa meaning of

Sentence Examples

  1. His eyes were a vivacious violet, and they sparkled no matter how poor the ambient light was.
  2. There was no ambient artificial light from a city in any direction.
  3. Looking around again, Cadman noticed for the first time that the passageway streaming along in front of him appeared to have no definitive light sources, yet there was an ambient glow.
  4. The temperature and an ambient odour reminded her of the inside of a fridge.
  5. There were no lights beyond the boundary railings, and any ambient illumination from the street was quickly beaten down by the hammering rain.
  6. He had never used night vision before and wondered how well it would work with so little ambient light in the atmosphere.
  7. They glowed with ambient light, and Rowan could see high grass peeking up from the abandoned tracks.
  8. She stopped humming and opened her eyes, turning her focus to the ambient sounds in the dark room, and then what was unmistakably actual music playing from somewhere very close by.
  9. Soft, ambient lighting cast a warm glow over a cobblestone path that twisted through the landscape.
  10. There were no stars, only clouds, and there was no ambient light from a city in any direction to light up the underside of the clouds.