English to hausa meaning of

A zahiri akwai 'yan ma'anoni daban-daban na kalmar "Amazon," dangane da mahallin. Anan ga wasu ma’anoni da aka fi sani da su:Amazon (noun) – memba ce ta wata kabila ta almara na jarumai mata a tatsuniyar Girika Amazon (suna) - wani kogi a Kudancin Amirka, na biyu mafi tsayi a duniya Amazon (suna) - babban dillalin kan layi wanda ke zaune a Amurka Amazon (suna) - kowane nau'in nau'in aku da aka samu a Kudancin Amirka, wanda aka sani da gashin fuka-fukan su masu launi da iya kwaikwayon maganganun ɗan adam Amazon (adjective) - kwatanta wani abu mai girma, mai ƙarfi, ko ƙaƙƙarfan, wanda galibi ana amfani dashi don siffanta mace ko kamanninta. Sanar da ni idan kuna da wasu tambayoyi.

Sentence Examples

  1. For years everyone had told him that the Amazon creatures known as the Giant Hape Crushers were just a fantasy a myth that was created to keep people from exploring this part of the forest.
  2. Enjoy the preview and then head on over to Amazon and get yourself a copy.
  3. No longer was it filled with thick pine, fir, and spruce trees, but now he was overshadowed by the dark canopy of the tropical Amazon forest.
  4. The puppy-faced Miss Kristina Heitschmidt appears to be quite an Amazon.
  5. Suddenly, Amazon River dolphins overturned boats in South America, panda bears fought back against poachers in Myanmar, and at least fifty abused animals knocked over cages and attacked their owners in clips from Dubai to Odense.
  6. The creature blew through the trees with ferocity, sending leaves everywhere and splintering branches from their perch upon the Amazon trunks.
  7. In fact, I think Amazon programmed my Kindle to skip right over this page entirely.
  8. The one who had cleared so many of her children from the great rain forests and swamps of the Amazon and then fled.
  9. Additionally, the Amazon, under the leadership of the snake queen Thraxis, has pushed back human encroachment.
  10. If you would be so kind as to take a moment to tell a friend about the book or to leave a review on Amazon or elsewhere, I would be very grateful.