English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kullum" ita ce:lalacia kowane lokaci; a kowane lokaci; ci gaba ko ba tare da katsewa ba Misali: Kullum tana zuwa da wuri don taronta. har abada; ba tare da ƙarewa ko dainawa ba Misali: Zan so ku koyaushe. ba tare da togiya ba Misali: Yakan manta da makullinsa koyaushe. ba tare da bambanci ko canji ba Misali: Kullum tana sa jan lipstick.

Sentence Examples

  1. I always loved thinking about her standing in the kitchen, twirling it as we chatted on the phone while I was home in Los Angeles.
  2. First thanks go to my parents, Jim and Pat, for always believing in me as a writer, as well as teaching me how to become the person I am today.
  3. My mother was too busy and had her own way of showing how much she cared, but Lorraine was like a favorite aunt you could always count on.
  4. There are always people who contribute in a multitude of ways, sometimes unwittingly, throughout the journey from discovering the idea to drafting the last word.
  5. Then again, she always was sharp with insignificant details.
  6. And why did I always feel like I was five years old around him?
  7. Twinsies, as Nana D always taunted with the cutest lilt to her voice.
  8. In past interviews, it always seemed people of his nature were uncomfortable with silence, suddenly sharing things they might not normally say until the solitude nudged them over the edge.
  9. Despite my uncanny knack for grasping anything mechanical and Nana D always calling me brilliant, I was entirely too doubtful of this mode of transportation.
  10. Connor had inherited the best features from both and was always considered charming and gorgeous by the girls who melted anytime they heard his accent.

TV Series Examples



The Starks are always right eventually -



You always look at your feet



She always does this.



Those were always your favorites.



You can always say no, Ned.



Well, you're always