English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "alto" tana iya samun ma'anoni da dama dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu ma’anar ƙamus masu yiwuwa:Muryar waƙa da ta yi ƙasa da soprano amma sama da tenor. an alto saxophone or alto sarewa muryoyin mata. A cikin gine-gine, wani yanki na ginin da ke sama da babban bene amma a ƙasan rufin. A cikin wasan gada, ɗan wasan da ya ba da kwat da wando na biyu mafi girma. A gajeriyar nau'in kalmar "altocumulus," nau'in haɓakar girgije.

Sentence Examples

  1. HE STOOD in his bedroom staring at his Selmer clarinet and Buescher True Tone alto sax, trying to decide which to pawn.
  2. Connor looked out the window at the gray concrete wall as they sped north on the Expressway toward Palo Alto.
  3. He carried the tattered case that protected his alto sax, and a fistful of leaflets.
  4. The center of Palo Alto was still the commercial strip along University Avenue.
  5. The fitness and martial arts studios seemed to be the closest Palo Alto came to acknowledging that the world outside its walls had changed.
  6. Allison on the alto side, Becky with the sopranos.
  7. Attending the Agreement Day Gala was the only time Emily ever left Palo Alto.
  8. The perimeter walls of Palo Alto were fifteen yards apart with miniature DMZs between.