English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar da kalmar "bagaden" tsari ne na da aka tashe ko kuma dalilai da ake amfani da su, musamman don yin sadaukarwa ko ruhaniya don yin sadaukarwa ko kuma a matsayin hadayu ko ibada. Alton ana samunsu a wuraren bautar kamar majami'u, haikalin, kuma ana amfani da majami'u don al'adun al'adu da al'adu da al'adu ko na ruhaniya. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da Altars a cikin mahaɗan da ba na addini ba, kamar na zuzzurfan tunani ko azaman kayan ado a gida ko lambun.

Sentence Examples

  1. There were another eight on the shelf above the altar.
  2. Everyone else starts to fade away the hundred pairs of eyes and the altar and the beautiful stained glass windows and all the rest of it disappears.
  3. This is a different Jackson than the one behind the altar.
  4. Therefore, he took his place at the altar, waiting long before it was time.
  5. The final chamber on this floor had been converted into a family chapel, the ornaments of prayer still stood on the altar.
  6. I need to sit down, so I head for the little room behind the altar.
  7. Already, her people had prepared an altar for the Blood Eagle.
  8. Walking up the aisle of the Norman church towards the altar and then setting his steps towards the door Jamie had disappeared through.
  9. Seven days for me to bind you to that altar I prepared and worship you.
  10. The store is filled with crystals and other stones, jewelry, books and witchy things like blankets sporting pentacles, altar kits and black capes.