English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "almond" wani nau'i ne na bishiya ko shrub da ke cikin yankin Bahar Rum, wanda ke samar da 'yar karamar kwaya mai siffar kwai wadda ke da wuya, harsashi mai launin ruwan kasa da kuma ƙwaya mai dadi, mai cin abinci a ciki. Kalmar “almond” kuma tana iya nuni da ita kanta goro, wadda ake yawan amfani da ita wajen dafa abinci da yin gasa, ko kuma ga ɗanɗano ko ƙamshin goro, wanda a wasu lokuta ake amfani da ita wajen turare da sauran kayayyakin. Bugu da ƙari, za a iya amfani da "almond" don kwatanta launi mai launin rawaya-kasa-kasa wanda yayi kama da launin goro.

Sentence Examples

  1. What beauty, then, or what proportion of the parts to the whole, or of the whole to the parts, can there be in a book or fable where a lad of sixteen cuts down a giant as tall as a tower and makes two halves of him as if he was an almond cake?
  2. Sometimes a bitter almond smell is detected, but not always.
  3. Almond shaped eyes, rimmed thickly in long lashes, glittered like chipped obsidian as they settled on us, and the man smiled.
  4. An almond eyed boy emerges, the two of them close behind.
  5. I popped another almond into my mouth, letting the chocolate melt away while I put together a second theory.
  6. Almond eyes with bright rings of gold enclosed black pupils.
  7. Feeling himself so smitten, he imagined himself slain or badly wounded for certain, and recollecting his liquor he drew out his flask, and putting it to his mouth began to pour the contents into his stomach but ere he had succeeded in swallowing what seemed to him enough, there came another almond which struck him on the hand and on the flask so fairly that it smashed it to pieces, knocking three or four teeth and grinders out of his mouth in its course, and sorely crushing two fingers of his hand.