English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "aligned" ita ce tsara ko daidaita abubuwa ko mutane a madaidaiciyar layi ko kuma a daidai matsayi na dangi. Hakanan yana iya nufin kawo abubuwa ko mutane cikin haɗin kai ko yarjejeniya tsakanin juna, daidaitawa ko daidaita wani abu da wani abu, ko goyon baya ko haɗa kai da wata ƙungiya ko ƙungiya ko akida.

Sentence Examples

  1. With the pieces aligned, the plan was perfect, and, this time, King Rune would die.
  2. A spout aligned with the channel in the floor to allow for pouring out of whatever liquid the basin was intended to collect.
  3. My expectations of your behaviour are clearly not aligned with your own, at the moment.
  4. He was back at that desk with neatly stacked paperwork and a stapler aligned with the corner of the table.
  5. In a way, we were in our own little pack, aligned by the same cause.
  6. She slept, undisturbed beside the dying fire, content and unaware of the pawns aligned, oblivious to the part she played.
  7. The halls twisted as Kallan sprinted, panting as her pounding chest aligned with the rhythmic patter of her feet.
  8. Fascinated by the intricacies of the design, she shifted through yet another layer and admired the way it aligned with its predecessor.
  9. As politicians aligned with big business, conflicts continued.
  10. So my skills aligned with where I saw the best opportunity to contribute.