English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "albino" shine mutum ko dabba da aka haifa tare da rashin launin launi a cikin fata, gashi, da idanu, yana haifar da launin fata ko fari da kuma sanin hasken rana. Yana faruwa ne ta hanyar maye gurbin kwayoyin halitta wanda ke hana samar da melanin, pigment da ke da alhakin canza launin fata, gashi, da idanu.

Sentence Examples

  1. The albino brought her to the end of the hall and through the open doorway into another room.
  2. It made her want to know more about the albino he seemed to be a far more intelligent person than he let on.
  3. The thought was concerning, seeing as how her interactions with the albino had so far shown him to be more of a pacifist.
  4. Darkwing stared at the albino, stopping a couple paces from him.
  5. The albino led them through the same entrance and they stopped several paces inside.
  6. The albino took Krista past the guards and pulled her down the stairs.
  7. Krista watched the albino rush into the ruins, his eyes on the rope.
  8. She looked over at the albino, who was staring out into the open space.
  9. The albino dragged her down the long hallway for several minutes while she struggled to break free.
  10. It was unheard of to see an albino vazelead out in the open, especially exposing their face.