English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jirgin sama" abin hawa ne, yawanci mai fikafikai da injuna ɗaya ko fiye, waɗanda ke iya tashi ta cikin iska. Ana amfani da wannan kalmar sau da yawa don kwatanta nau'ikan motoci da aka kera don yin aiki a cikin iska, ciki har da jiragen sama, jirage masu saukar ungulu, gliders, da jirage marasa matuki. Ana amfani da jiragen sama da yawa don sufuri, ayyukan soja, bincike na kimiyya, da ayyukan nishaɗi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The corrections became more pronounced as the aircraft approached the target.
  2. In addition to this unknown aircraft and possible threat, I believe the seismic activity was a result of energy manipulation.
  3. The NTSB and the FAA figure the co-pilot crashed the aircraft on purpose.
  4. Shielding her visor from the harsh light of the sun, she could make out a sleek aircraft flying over their camp.
  5. The aircraft banked sharply several times and missed hitting the building by a wide margin.
  6. Also, the information has to completely match the type of aircraft, its electronic components, avionics, and installed options.
  7. Apprehension filled her at the sight of the foreign aircraft.
  8. They are essential to confirm our story that terrorists hijacked the aircraft and switched off the aircraft transponders.
  9. The aircraft is designed to be a stable platform during straight and level flight at cruising altitude.