English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "marasa manufa" shine yin wani abu ba tare da takamaiman manufa, manufa, ko alkibla ba. Yana nufin yin aiki ko motsawa ta hanyar da ba ta da niyya ko manufa, ba tare da takamaiman manufa ko manufa ba. Synonyms na maras manufa sun haɗa da bazuwar, cikin haɗari, marar manufa, kuma ba tare da alkibla ba. Ana iya amfani da kalmar don bayyana rashin mayar da hankali ko alkibla a cikin ayyukan mutum, tunaninsa, ko halayensa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Krista squirmed aimlessly, using the momentum to move around.
  2. Kallan crossed her arms over her chest and watched as her warden stood, stretched, belched, and aimlessly strolled about the camp, collecting their possessions and extinguishing the fire at his leisure.
  3. The Barghest had made a nest of ripped-up clothes, and its round mouth chewed aimlessly at nothing.
  4. Ray-Bans drained his cup in one go before flinging it aimlessly at the wall, shards of porcelain scattering everywhere.
  5. He wandered aimlessly for a while then thought about where he himself tended to go when he was upset and headed down towards the stream.
  6. There must have been hundreds, the Beach Town residents shambled aimlessly.
  7. A young gladiator, named Perseus, sat in the orange glow of a candle, aimlessly stirring his porridge.
  8. He had nothing better to do than, taking chance for his guide, to wander aimlessly through the streets of Yokohama.
  9. Aimlessly, Kallan wandered wherever the impulse drove her.
  10. He would use the magic to awaken all those who had been wandering aimlessly for centuries.