English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar noma tana da alaƙa da noma, wato kimiyya, fasaha, ko aikin noman ƙasa, noman amfanin gona, da kiwo don amfanin ɗan adam ko wasu dalilai. Ana amfani da kalmar “noma” don bayyana abubuwa ko ayyuka da suka shafi noma, kamar kayan aikin noma, dabarun noma, kayayyakin noma, da manufofin noma.

Sentence Examples

  1. We accepted requests for help from anyone with reasonable business prospects while at the same time we broadly researched the local economy to see what industries or agricultural sectors in Swaziland might be able to become reasonably competitive.
  2. How much more the death of the previous chairman of Lewis Corporation that dominated real estate, banking, and agricultural industries?
  3. She watched until they were only a memory, sighed and led the way eastward, through a land of broad fields divided into agricultural strips and with broad-chested farmers watching this group of warriors with wary suspicion.
  4. He was retired but had a BS degree from Penn State University in agricultural mechanization, which had been his specialty throughout his career.
  5. Fellow-travellers as they rattled by compared it aloud with the fields which they had passed, so that I came to know how I stood in the agricultural world.
  6. They spread over the plain, each group behind its banner, most with long spears or weapons that Melcorka guessed had been fashioned from agricultural implements, or long swords that looked dull and rusty from disuse.
  7. Beyond organizing farmers and agricultural value chains, TechnoServe frequently provides training in basic business concepts, agronomy, and the management of cooperatives.
  8. The most difficult commitment seemed to be the need for the Agricultural Ministry to pay for irrigation to be installed.
  9. Yet the Middlesex Cattle Show goes off here with éclat annually, as if all the joints of the agricultural machine were suent.
  10. Several agricultural research stations were represented as was the engineering department responsible for designing irrigation systems and the land survey department.