English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “agora” suna ce da ta samo asali a cikin tsohuwar Hellenanci, kuma tana da ‘yan ma’anoni masu alaƙa: A d ¯ a Girka, “agora” ana nufin sararin fili na jama'a da ake amfani da shi don majalisai da kasuwanni. Ya kasance a tsakiyar gari ko gari kuma ya kasance cibiyar harkokin zamantakewa da kasuwanci. bazaar. Za a iya amfani da kalmar "agora" a sarari don nufin kowane fili ko wurin taro inda mutane ke taruwa don musanyar ra'ayi ko tattaunawa. p>

Sentence Examples

  1. From within this agora, Artemis watched the construction up on the hill.
  2. They followed the main street to an agora, and continued on, toward the acropolis, though the Titan now reduced her pace.
  3. Though the Ambrosial War had only just ended, already a new acropolis had sprung up upon this hill, and below it, some few marble structures that would become an agora.
  4. The town within the fort was sparse, composed mostly of the agora, the acropolis, and a handful of shops and manses for the aristoi.
  5. When they finished the wine, he led her onward, along the same path to yet more stairs, these climbing past the agora and into the true acropolis.
  6. Sometimes the citizens left new sandals or khitons or tiaras or jewellery, and when she would wear their gifts in the agora below, Athene fancied she oft caught cheers or boasting.
  7. Upon the agora landing, Pandora stumbled, seized by her silent screams of defiance.
  8. Flickers in his mind hinted at locations where an agora would one day rise, and beyond, upon the summit, where Zeus would erect his ostentatious palace.
  9. She wanted to take in the opulence of this place, for beyond the agora lay more temples supported by columns stretching forty, fifty feet into the air.
  10. She passed through the South Gate and headed through the Colonnade of Justice to the agora, allowing herself to gawk just a little at the expansion of public works.