English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "agog" sifa ce da ke bayyana jin daɗin sha'awa, jira, ko sha'awa. Hakanan yana iya nufin kasancewa cikin shiri ko shiri, musamman don wani abu mai ban sha'awa ko mahimmanci. Alal misali, za ku iya cewa taron jama'a sun riga sun jira kafin wasan kwaikwayo ko kuma ƙungiyar ta kasance cikin farin ciki kafin babban wasa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Fouquet got into a carriage which the city had sent to him, we know not why or how, and he repaired to la Maison de Nantes, escorted by a vast crowd of people, who for several days had been agog with expectation of a convocation of the States.
  2. For, to speak the truth, until of late years, that the heads of all the people have been set agog with politics, no better business than my own could an honest citizen of Rotterdam either desire or deserve.
  3. For a moment, no one spoke and then everyone did except Darvin who sat mouth agog.