English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙara" shine sanya yanayi, matsala, ko laifi mafi muni ko mafi tsanani, sau da yawa ta hanyar haifar da fushi, bacin rai, ko fushi. Hakanan yana iya nufin ƙara munanan al'amura, ko ƙara girman wani abu wanda ya riga ya munana. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da shi a cikin mahallin shari'a don komawa zuwa wani nau'i mai tsanani na laifi, kamar cin zarafi, wanda ya shafi amfani da makami ko wani abu mai haɗari don cutar da wani mutum.

Sentence Examples

  1. I slept about two hours, and dreamed I was at home with my wife and children, which aggravated my sorrows when I awaked and found myself alone in a vast room, between two and three hundred feet wide, and above two hundred high, lying in a bed twenty yards wide.
  2. Instead, she appeared aggravated, annoyed, and bothered.
  3. The bright colors aggravated the darkness that occupied me from within.
  4. A field of virtual corpses later and I left the training complex slightly less aggravated, though that changed when I had to sidestep a contingent of junior guards who kept glancing at me and talking in low voices.
  5. Maddox must have sensed my aggravated energy for he takes a step back.
  6. But the mind of the procureur was made up he felt assured that Benedetto was guilty, and he hoped by his skill in conducting this aggravated case to flatter his self-love, which was about the only vulnerable point left in his frozen heart.
  7. While its expression never changed, I could tell it was getting aggravated.