English to hausa meaning of

“bayan” na iya aiki a matsayin gabaɗaya, magana, ko haɗin gwiwa kuma yana da ma’anoni masu zuwa: Preposition: bin a lokaci ko wuri; a bi ko neman; daidai da Misali: Mun je wurin shakatawa bayan abincin rana. a baya a wurin; daga baya Misali: Ta iso jim kadan bayan haka. daga baya Misali: Bayan ya tafi, na gama aikina. Misali: Gidan bayan gida a kan jirgi.

Sentence Examples

  1. After I hung up, I dropped my head to the counter and closed my eyes.
  2. I declined his offer since scotch after a run never settled well in my stomach.
  3. I moved back from Boston after the job fell into my lap.
  4. After stopping at the campus cafeteria, I would head to Memorial Library.
  5. I got my answer rather quickly, after soaking up the spilled coffee and stopping myself from commenting on her motorcycle helmet hair.
  6. No one should feel bad except the idiot who stepped into his car after drinking a six-pack and thinking he was totally fine to drive.
  7. After the initial shock wore off, my entire plan to meet the athletic director flew out the window.
  8. She asked to take lessons after the next zoo trip.
  9. After landing at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport on a miserable mid-February afternoon, I rented a Jeep to trek another ninety miles south into Pennsylvania.
  10. They should travel the world after working so hard for Braxton.

TV Series Examples



- l will be lord after my father.



And not long after that



To see you again after so many years



You're from there yourself, after all.



after you took your leave.



Nothing like a woman after a fight.