English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "ƙafa" kalma ce da ke nufin wani abu da ke faruwa a halin yanzu ko kuma yana ci gaba. Hakanan yana iya nufin "da ƙafa," ko tafiya ko tafiya da ƙafa.

Sentence Examples

  1. With no way to transmit the information off the planet, he hoped that the damage had not been too severe and that the armed forces would discover what was afoot before too many more lives were lost.
  2. He was a skilled hunter however, and enjoyed spending time on horse or afoot, hunting with spear and bow in the lands surrounding Solenta.
  3. I know you have only just put your father in the ground, but terrible things are afoot.
  4. I was up betimes in the morning, but Holmes was afoot earlier still, for I saw him as I dressed, coming up the drive.
  5. The dog, roused from the hedge by their approach, sensed a game afoot and led them a merry dance around the garden until Kate managed to stamp on his trailing lead.
  6. But one of the bodies was found by a Mestarn who discovered that it had been drained of its gift and they realized something sinister was afoot.
  7. The sounds of the alarm were, therefore, hardly uttered before two hundred men were afoot, and ready for the battle or the chase, as either might be required.
  8. The game was afoot or, by that time probably abed, and I needed to either use it or get off the pot.
  9. I have learned that the swiftest traveller is he that goes afoot.
  10. If accurate, then plans are afoot to build a resort on the southern edge of La Quemada, one that cuts into the mountainside on land protected under the biosphere ruling.