English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tasowa" shine zama yana iyo ko zama a saman ruwa ko wani ruwa, ba tare da nutsewa ba. Hakanan yana iya nufin samun kwanciyar hankali ta hanyar kuɗi ko samun isassun kuɗi don biyan kuɗi, ko kasancewa cikin yanayin da al'amura ke tafiya daidai kuma babu matsala.

Sentence Examples

  1. It never is personal, but the man has a business to keep afloat and you know the rest.
  2. It is a doubtful point, also, whether the body would be so soon afloat, even were it thrown in after having been dead two days.
  3. As soon as the vessel discovered the galleys she went about with the object and in the hope of making her escape by her speed but the attempt failed, for the chief galley was one of the fastest vessels afloat, and overhauled her so rapidly that they on board the brigantine saw clearly there was no possibility of escaping, and the rais therefore would have had them drop their oars and give themselves up so as not to provoke the captain in command of our galleys to anger.
  4. Being part of your family, and the acceptance into the woodfolk that goes with it, is probably the only thing that keeps me afloat when I am drowning in confusion.
  5. My aunt had trusted me to keep things afloat while she was gone, and I had failed miserably.
  6. The water was clear and he stayed afloat for a while.
  7. Various rumors were afloat to the effect that the owners of the Pharaon had promised to attend the nuptial feast but all seemed unanimous in doubting that an act of such rare and exceeding condescension could possibly be intended.
  8. One of his hands reached under to support me so I could relax my grip, and I briefly wondered how he was staying afloat without kicking.
  9. On Wednesday noon, at twelve, a female body was discovered afloat on the shore of the Barrière de Roule.
  10. For the past three weeks I have embraced the challenge of staying afloat as the sea tries to cast me out.