English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tabbatacce" sanarwa ne ko amsawa wanda ke tabbatarwa, ingantawa, ko yarda da wani abu. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin tabbatar da wani abu mai kyau ko da tabbaci, ko hali ko imani cewa wani abu gaskiya ne ko ingantacce. A wasu mahallin, ana kuma iya amfani da “tabbataccen” don bayyana manufofi ko ayyuka waɗanda aka yi niyya don haɓaka daidaito da haɗa kai, musamman dangane da ƙungiyoyin da aka ware ko waɗanda ba su da wakilci.

Sentence Examples

  1. The instant she appeared the door-keeper rose, came to her, and asked her whether she was not the person with whom the procureur had made an appointment and on her affirmative answer being given, he conducted her by a private passage to M.
  2. Turning to look at me again, both heads went up and down in the affirmative.
  3. Elton hardly waited for the affirmative before she went on.
  4. He made an affirmative grunt, then hung up with a chuckle.
  5. Even my attempts to prod him into conversation rarely elicited more than an affirmative grunt or a shrug of indifference.
  6. Upon his answer in the affirmative, the sailors exchanged a few words together in a low tone.
  7. My name is Nod, as in a slight affirmative movement of the head.