English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tasiri" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma wasu mafi yawan ma'anar sun haɗa da: samar da canji a cikin wani abu ko wani Misali: Yanayin zai shafi shirye-shiryen mu na fikinik. Misali: Fim ɗin ya shafe ni sosai kuma ya bar ni in ji motsin rai. Misali: Tasirin sa ba a kwance yake kuma kamar ba ya sha'awar zance. Misali: Ta yi tasiri mai daɗi, duk da mawuyacin yanayi. Misali: Dan siyasar ya yi kokarin rinjayar halin tawali'u don samun nasara kan masu zabe.

Sentence Examples

  1. I run up behind her, gathering to the forefront of my mind enough pretence to affect an unflustered manner.
  2. The work was at once commenced, and pursued with true American energy nor did the rapidity with which it went on injuriously affect its good execution.
  3. However, as the water level drops, the tainted oil will seep into the wood of the barrel and affect the next barrel full of water.
  4. Even if she ran, the backlash could affect Carl and everyone in his camp.
  5. Fogg might hope that he would be able to reach Yokohama without recording any delay in his journal in which case, the many misadventures which had overtaken him since he left London would not seriously affect his journey.
  6. The woodman was pretty sure that Tarkyn would have half an ear tuned into their conversation, but he had no intention of letting that affect what he was saying to Running Feet.
  7. Ever since Alex arrived, I felt him watching my every move, trying to pick up signals about how any given detail might affect his world.
  8. What happened in the next few minutes would affect all of them.
  9. Owing to the defective construction of the Rangoon, however, unusual precautions became necessary in unfavourable weather but the loss of time which resulted from this cause, while it nearly drove Passepartout out of his senses, did not seem to affect his master in the least.
  10. As you continue to train this ailment will affect you less.