English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "afar" ita ce "a, daga, ko zuwa nesa mai nisa." Hakanan tana iya komawa ga gungun mutanen da suka fito daga yankin kahon Afirka, musamman a Habasha da Eritriya, waɗanda ke magana da yaren Afar kuma suna da al'adu da salon rayuwa daban.

Sentence Examples

  1. She must be protected and prized as one protects and prizes a fair garden full of roses and flowers, the owner of which allows no one to trespass or pluck a blossom enough for others that from afar and through the iron grating they may enjoy its fragrance and its beauty.
  2. As the dawn crept slowly across the sky Tarkyn weaved his way ponderously up to his shelter and collapsed inside, watched from afar by Waterstone.
  3. Forced to keep their distance from the danger of the rut, the Alfar watched from afar, stunned at the occasional skirmish between bulls.
  4. Thus, then, it is conclusive that to attempt things from which harm rather than advantage may come to us is the part of unreasoning and reckless minds, more especially when they are things which we are not forced or compelled to attempt, and which show from afar that it is plainly madness to attempt them.
  5. Even as it was, my hair stood on end, while I gazed afar down within the yawning abysses, letting imagination descend, as it were, and stalk about in the strange vaulted halls, and ruddy gulfs, and red ghastly chasms of the hideous and unfathomable fire.
  6. Sirens screamed from afar and people continued shouting and running around in a panic.
  7. I picture myself from afar and begin to feel ridiculous.
  8. If the sea had been a wonder from afar, it was almost too good to be true when I beheld it at the edge of the beach.
  9. Already the Beast was alert and pacing, wanting the Seidr he felt from afar.
  10. I had seen them from time to time playing games or watching the adults practice from afar, and a couple times they even yelled at me, trying to get me to join them.