English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "talla" ita ce haɓaka ko tallata samfur, sabis, ko taron ta hanyar tallace-tallace ko sanarwa. Hakanan ana iya komawa ga aikin sanar da jama'a wani abu ta hanyar buga ko watsa bayanai game da shi ta hanyoyin watsa labarai daban-daban kamar jaridu, mujallu, TV, rediyo, ko intanet.

Sentence Examples

  1. Weston Shoes once advertised consistent leather coloration and so dried and cured their own leather.
  2. It advertised musical comedy and served a mean virgin cocktail, but alas, no one could recall Gareth or Sarah.
  3. Mkhululi and I had heard that Dalcrue, one of the larger dairy farms in Swaziland, had just advertised the introduction of their branded products to the market.
  4. Signs outside the bottom floors of apartment buildings advertised everything from palm reading to palm trees.
  5. I was suddenly very aware of the rucksack on my back, which advertised that I was carrying all my money, cards and documents.
  6. A tiny row of text at the bottom of the screen advertised that a romantic comedy was playing next.
  7. His shoulders, relaxed and drooping, and his head on his knees advertised that he had given up the struggle.
  8. Those two might get along fine if the island worked out as advertised.
  9. It advertised a new film, Marion Davies in Beverly of Graustark.