English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "babba" mutum ne mai cikakken girma ko halitta wanda ya kai girma kuma ya kai shekarun girma, yawanci yana da shekaru 18 ko sama da haka. A matsayin sifa, “baligi” kuma na iya komawa ga ayyuka ko kayan da aka yi niyya don manyan masu sauraro ko manya, maimakon yara ko kanana.

Sentence Examples

  1. Lach was her friend, her staunch defender, but now that her mother was gone Cianne had been left without an adult to protect and shelter her.
  2. There, with controllers at the ready they learn how to be violent as adult counterparts sit in an office, using a joystick to direct drones to kill the declared guilty, along with the innocent.
  3. When he nodded and told a student worker to call him promptly with any issues, I realized Connor had become an admirable and responsible adult.
  4. All those school years provided a regimen we endured and learned to navigate and although we saw glimpses of the adult world, once we arrive, it feels foreign.
  5. She added that at least he, unlike his Catholic brethren, had chosen an adult.
  6. He longed to know this new, adult version of the sweet young girl he had once befriended.
  7. In fact, Cleva was my only adult friend living close by.
  8. Other talents can develop as you go through puberty and become an adult.
  9. Having worked in the tourism industry my whole adult life and seen first-hand the way the holiday mentality changes people into amoral pleasure seekers, I share his discontent.
  10. At that facility, there was a barbed-wire-surrounded enclosure known as The Compound, which housed those children, some as young as fourteen, whose cases had been sent to the adult court system.