English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "sha'awa" shine game da jin daɗi, al'ajabi, da yarda; girmama ko girmamawa; don dubawa tare da sha'awa ko ƙawata.

Sentence Examples

  1. I ran my hand across a long wooden desk in the library, then paused to admire a beautiful stained-glass lamp that sat on it.
  2. They now have a blog, podcasts and a local radio show, and I admire their tenacity.
  3. The Spanish colonial building has been beautifully restored whenever I come here I always admire the decorative panelling of the windows, carved out of ancient wood and stained a dark brown.
  4. Strive, too, that in reading your story the melancholy may be moved to laughter, and the merry made merrier still that the simple shall not be wearied, that the judicious shall admire the invention, that the grave shall not despise it, nor the wise fail to praise it.
  5. If all that is true, then I have to admire his resolve, even his methods, but his timing is abominable.
  6. Finally Jonathan found something to admire about his mother.
  7. Would he still admire him as an awesome big brother?
  8. As we return the empty boxes to the boot of the Maserati, an athletic-looking man decked in knee-length shorts and a brilliant white shirt stops on the pavement in front of the bonnet to admire the car.
  9. He cuts through the plaza and on past the town hall, pausing to admire the colonial façade from the vantage of the plaza opposite, then veering left near the little market set back on the other side of a concreted swale in the road.
  10. Tarkyn opened his eyes and stood back to admire his handiwork.

TV Series Examples



would you admire me more?



And l admire you, Lord Baelish.



l admire your industry.