English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙara" ita ce aiki ko tsari na ƙara wani abu zuwa wani abu, ko abin da aka ƙara. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa aikin lissafi na gano jimillar jimlar lambobi biyu ko fiye ko yawa. Bugu da ƙari, "ƙara" na iya nufin gini ko ɓangaren ginin da aka ƙara akan tsarin da ake da shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. In addition to this unknown aircraft and possible threat, I believe the seismic activity was a result of energy manipulation.
  2. The result was a cheap repair of the antiquated structure and an institutional, utilitarian-looking addition reminding everyone of a grammar school cafeteria gone wrong.
  3. In addition to hunting monsters, Venators protect all humans and other races in need.
  4. In addition, Arthur hired a few celebrities to appear to stir publicity for the celebration.
  5. In addition to his daily trader responsibilities, he still tried to maintain an active presence within the towers.
  6. In addition to Dominic acting differently, something had also changed between Luke and me.
  7. He shot the breeze with Flim and Foster for a while, their party enlarged by the addition of Zader, another officer who had worked the case.
  8. And in addition, I will need to be safely out of town before I let her go.
  9. In addition to Daerwyn and the woman, Cianne saw one hooded and cloaked figure, a man with flaming red hair, and another woman, this one with short, dark hair.
  10. War Eagle hugs Beaver Lake and includes signs of past visitors such as Civil War soldiers in addition to its fascinating rock outcrops.