English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na jaraba shine "gaskiya ko yanayin da ake kamu da wani abu, abu, ko aiki." Yanayi ne na dogaro na zahiri ko na hankali ga wani abu ko hali, wanda ke haifar da tilastawa kuma galibi masu cutarwa don samun ko shiga ciki. Addiction yawanci yana da alamun bayyanar cututtuka kamar sha'awa, janyewa, juriya, da ci gaba da amfani duk da mummunan sakamako.

Sentence Examples

  1. A person can easily spin in and between both the Aggression Tailspin and the Addiction Loop, jumping from anger to cocaine to violence to pizza.
  2. Hard though it may be to believe, thoughts of self-harm are an addiction that allows us to escape the excruciating story we might be telling ourselves about our lives.
  3. An addiction to crack cocaine had melted her flesh away, leaving her gaunt and scrawny.
  4. Despite the battle with her horrible addiction, and the fact that anyone unfortunate enough to meet Love knew what it meant to be scared, Connie had come through.
  5. For someone who had prided herself on not needing anyone, this growing addiction made her feel unsettled.
  6. Ryan recalled with amusement when Gib had sworn off coffee three years back, but now he had the Diet Coke addiction.
  7. I open my mouth in invitation the taste of this man is becoming an addiction.
  8. The Addiction Loop and Aggression Tailspin Patterns of destructive thought and behavior that repeatedly fuel each other.
  9. Were the virus to be distributed, crime, drug addiction, selfishness and misuse of power would drop precipitously.
  10. Identifying Aggression and Addiction, stopping them in their tracks, and questioning the beliefs that get us there is the boldest exit from the roller coaster.