English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "addict" ita ce:(noun) mutumin da ya kamu da wani abu ko wani aiki. don zama abin sha'awa ga wani abu ko aiki.Addiction yana nufin yanayin dogara ga wani abu ko aiki, kamar kwayoyi, barasa, caca, ko wasan bidiyo. Mai shan taba shine wanda ya haɓaka buƙatu na tilastawa, rashin kulawa ga abu ko aiki, kuma waɗanda ke fuskantar mummunan sakamako sakamakon jarabar su.

Sentence Examples

  1. Teens in New York are disappearing, so a recovered drug addict returns to her dark past to find out why.
  2. Nella was no addict, but as the pills slid down her throat, she thought that the production of a simple aspirin tablet might be what would launch what remained of humanity back into a civilization.
  3. Who knew it would take more than the end of the world to turn me into a drug addict, she thought with a wry smile, or that aspirin would be my drug of choice?
  4. She felt like an addict, like a junkie who had blown years of sobriety for a fix.
  5. She was a streetwalker, and a drug addict, but she was still a woman.
  6. It was probably a drug addict thrashing around in his sleep.
  7. Craziest Drink Three glasses of absinthe, including melting the sugar in a spoon like a drug addict.