English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "aiki" tana nufin yanayi ko ingancin zama mai aiki, shagaltuwa, ko tsunduma cikin ayyukan jiki ko tunani. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa wani takamaiman aiki, aiki, ko aiki da wani ya tsunduma a ciki, da kuma wani lamari ko shirin da ya ƙunshi ƙungiyar mutane da ke aiki tare don cimma manufa ɗaya. Gabaɗaya, kalmar "aiki" tana nuna ma'anar motsi, kuzari, da maƙasudi mai ma'ana a cikin wani nau'i na aiki ko neman.

Sentence Examples

  1. The village with its ancient, cuboid farmhouses, their shutters and doors the same shade of green, maintains quietude when the rest of the island swarms with activity the whole year round.
  2. Since I was running late, it would have to be a Sunday activity.
  3. The only other activity came from the coffee shop up front where a small line of caffeine addicts waited patiently for their morning fix.
  4. It took some time, even under the cover of the mass of men and activity, to manoeuvre three horses from the courtyard and tether them at the back of the stables.
  5. The city sprawled to the west, towers gleaming proudly as its streets writhed with activity.
  6. The murders aside, we have good reason to suspect there might be an underworld of illicit magical activity here in London itself.
  7. Despite all the physical activity Evan had to admit it was becoming easier.
  8. The Law Division really did suspect illicit magical activity.
  9. The only activity was that of the rabbits emerging from burrows to graze nervously.
  10. At last they emerged outside onto a black and white tiled courtyard, like an enormous chess board, which was a flurry of activity.